Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Art of Wellness

There are so many health benefits of art to the well being of people and the communities we live in. Being able to express one's self is very important and what better way than art, which is natural because the subconscious mind is able to flow freely. Art comes from the thoughts and the hidden interpretations of someone's viewpoints. There would not be the word Earth without "art" and how appropriate because art gives more meaning or just makes life fulfilling.

I was able to take a look at a well seasoned artist, Stan Squirewell working on his mural project for the Unity Health Care clinic in NE DC. What a difference the mural painting has made to the children's waiting area in the Minnesota Avenue location making the buildings interior much brighter. This project was completed on May 18, 2013 and you can see more of Mr. Squirewell work at his webpage. 

The first time I took a look at the mural I just wanted to see what it was all about, and ended up being inspired after leaving. Browsed the local beauty supply store and decided I would get creative for my next hairstyle and met a recent graduate named Sir Justin whose locks were kind of my inspiration. My attempt was sufficient but I did not have the patience to make small parts and have my locks layered.

What a "whimsical' Saturday it was when I went to pay a visit and the second time was to pay my respects because I had to help with the painting. As a artist you are a creator and how you envision the outcome that is what will be and if I was the artist in charge of the mural than how I wanted things to look would be different. With art there comes a type of freedom that nothing else offers that I know of which makes for great healing and pleasure.

To view more about what Unity Health Care clinics are up to you can go here.

Oh, I just love Whimsical and Wellness Wednesdays.

Whimsical manicure that is not my photo.

A soft blue tone with confetti

love this polish....whimsical on my toes.

Roller Coaster of Love...on a whim

Stan and his brother painting finishing touches to mural in children's waiting area

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